Annual Village Meeting

The Annual Village Meeting - sometimes referred to as the Annual Meeting of Electors, or the Annual Parish Meeting - is an opportunity for the residents of the Parish to discuss issues of common interest. 

It is not a council meeting, although traditionally it is organised by the Parish Clerk, and chaired by the Parish Council Chair. By law, the meeting must take place between 1 March and 1 June. In Batheaston, the meeting is normally held in April or May.

The next meeting is on Tuesday 21st May 2024, at 7:00pm in the New Village Hall on School Lane.  

The Agenda of the 2024 Annual Meeting of Electors will be published here shortly.

The Draft Minutes of the 2023 Meeting are below: 

Draft Minutes of the 2023 Meeting

Meeting Documentation Archive

Agenda and Minutes are displayed as pdf files. Supporting document packs contain a set of mostly pdf files, downloaded as a single zip file.

Folder: 2023-05-23 Annual Meeting - Presentation and Speakers Notes
File name File type Last modified
Grow Batheaston - Update May 2023.pdf PDF File  18/03/2024 12:49
2023-05-23 Youth Club Report - Scan.pdf PDF File  18/03/2024 12:51
2023-05-23 National Trust - Bathampton Meadows - Presn.pdf PDF File  18/03/2024 12:50
2023-05-23 Cotswolds Volunteers - Speakers Notes.pdf PDF File  18/03/2024 12:51
2023-05-23 Annual Meeting of Electors - Playground Presentation .pdf PDF File  18/03/2024 12:48
2023-05-23 Annual Meeting of Electors - draft minutes.pdf PDF File  21/03/2024 12:53

Other files, including for previous years' meetings: 
