
Batheaston Parish Council has a policy of making grants to local organisations, where they are able to improve the lives of the people of Batheaston, and the environment of the Parish.

The application form below includes the criteria that the Council apply in making grants, the process for applying and responsibilities of those organisations that are awarded grants. 

Applications can be made at any time, and are usually considered at the next Council meeting (which are every month).  Please contact the Clerk,, if you have any questions.  

History of Grants given by Batheaston Parish Council

April 2024 to date

Cotswolds Volunteer Warden - donation of a brush cutter, with a value of approx. £1,000 

Grow Batheaston - Beavers Project, £750

April 2023 to March 2024

Cotswolds Volunteer Warden - donation of a brush cutter, value of approx. £1,000

Batheaston Youth Club - £7,000

April 2022 to March 2023

Cotswolds Volunteer Warden - £500

Batheaston Twinning Association - £500

Also: approval for Grow Batheaston to re-direct the remaining grant for the Sharing Shed (approx £370 remains, awarded in Jan 2021) to the Village Art Trail in December 2022 

April 2021 - March 2022

Batheaston Football Club - £600

Batheaston New Village Hall Trust - £1,000

Batheaston Youth Club - £9,500

Friends of Bathampton Meadow Riverside - £373.80

Grow Batheaston (for Village Art Trail) - £500

April 2020 - March 2021

Cotswolds Volunteer Warden - £500

Batheaston Youth Club - £5,600

Friends of Bathampton Riverside - £332.70

Grow Batheaston (for Sharing Shed) - £500

April 2019 - March 2020

Batheaston Youth Club - £xxxx

Friends of Bathampton Riverside - £xxxxx

April 2018 - March 2019

Batheaston Youth Club - £xxxx

Friends of Bathampton Riverside - £xxxxx

April 2017 - March 2018

Batheaston Youth Club - £xxxx

Friends of Bathampton Riverside - £xxxxx


April 2016 - March 2017

Batheaston Youth Club - £xxxx


April 2015 - March 2016

Batheaston Youth Club - £xxxx
